
Monday 11 August 2014

General Knowledge(Earth)

In this post I am giving some very hard to find data about our earth.

Planet:- Earth

Diameter:- 12,756 km at equator
Circumference around Poles:- 40,007 km
Density:- 5.52(relative to water)
Mass:- 5976 million million million tonnes
Area:- 510,066,000 sq km
Surface:- 71% water, 29% land
Temperature:- lowest(-88.3 C), highest(57.7 C)
Highest Peak:- Mt. Everest 8848 mtrs
Deepest Point(Ocean):- 11,033 mtrs
Escape Velocity:- 11.2 km/sec
Turns on axis in:- 23 hrs, 56 mins, 10 secs
Distance from the Sun:- 150,000,000 km
Orbits Sun in:- 365 days, 6 hrs, 9 mins, 10 secs
Orbital Velocity:- 29.8 km
Moons:- one

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